Well, I ain’t one for all them fancy words, but I reckon I can tell ya a thing or two ’bout this here quest called Camp Raid in them Wuthering Waves. It ain’t no easy job, lemme tell ya that much. But if you’re lookin’ to get yourself through it, you gotta start by headin’ over to the Gorges of Spirits. It’s a place that’s up near them Clouded Cliffs, real mysterious-like. Now, if you ain’t sure where that is, don’t worry, you’ll bump into it soon enough while you’re out on your adventure, especially when you’re workin’ on activatin’ that there Gorges of Spirits Resonance Nexus. So, don’t rush it, just keep goin’ and it’ll show up on yer quest list. Don’t forget that, ’cause sometimes it’s easy to miss these little things.

Getting Started with Camp Raid
Now, Camp Raid is what they call a Side Quest, so it ain’t the main thing, but it’s mighty important if you ask me. The quest gets unlocked once you wander through that Gorges of Spirits, which is also known by the fancy name Huanglong. You gotta be prepared to fight some serious enemies and maybe do a little bit of savin’. What you need to do first is head over to this little island. It’s right near the Remnant Residence, and don’t you worry, you can’t miss it once you get close. There’s a group of them TDs there, surroundin’ an Exile. Now, Exiles are just a type of human, but they sure ain’t friendly. You gotta save that poor soul and defeat them TDs to make progress on the quest.
What’s in it for Ya?
Now, ya might be wonderin’ what’s in it for ya once you finish this quest. Well, let me tell ya, it’s a real nice reward if you ask me. First off, you’ll unlock that “Hidden Truth” achievement, which is a big deal if you care ‘bout them little trophies. Plus, once you complete this quest, you’ll also get yourself the Huanglong I trophy. It’s called “The Brave Wins When Paths Cross.” That’s a mouthful, ain’t it? But it sure feels good when you finally get it after all the trouble you went through.
Where to Find Them Exiles

Now, like I mentioned earlier, them Exiles are a special kind of folk you’ll find in Wuthering Waves. You might not see ‘em everywhere, but they sure like to pop up when you least expect it. Most of ‘em are wanderin’ around the Gorges of Spirits, so be on the lookout. They ain’t too friendly, so keep your guard up, alright? And don’t go thinkin’ that just ’cause they look human means they ain’t dangerous. Oh no, they got some tricks up their sleeves, so always be ready for a fight.
Important Tips for the Camp Raid Quest
- Keep an eye on your surroundings, ‘cause them TDs can sneak up on ya.
- Don’t forget to save the Exile! That’s the whole point of this quest, after all.
- Be sure you got plenty of health potions or whatnot. Ain’t no shame in takin’ a break and restockin’ if you need to.
- After you finish the quest, make sure to check your quest log again for any new tasks that might pop up.
So, once you done all this, you’ll be closer to finishin’ the Camp Raid in Wuthering Waves. Ain’t no easy task, but if you stick with it and follow these here tips, you should be just fine. Just remember, slow and steady wins the race, and don’t let them Exiles get the best of ya! Good luck!
Tags:[Camp Raid, Wuthering Waves, Gorges of Spirits, Exile, Side Quest, Huanglong, Hidden Truth Achievement, TDs, Trophy Guide, Video Guide]