Well, lemme tell you somethin’ about this here Wrath from Afar. It ain’t just some fancy words, no sir. It’s powerful stuff, that’s what it is. Like when old Bessie the cow got loose and trampled my garden. That was wrath, I tell ya, comin’ from afar, just like this here spell thing.
This here Wrath from Afar, you see, it’s a kind of magic, a spell. They call it an “incantation” in them fancy books. But it’s just like when I used to yell at them crows to get outta my cornfield. You gotta say the right words, and you gotta say ’em loud and clear. Then, whoosh! Somethin’ happens.
Now, they say this Wrath from Afar comes from somethin’ called the “Elden Ring.” Sounds important, don’t it? Like the time I lost my weddin’ ring in the chicken coop. Caused a whole ruckus, that did. Anyway, this Elden Ring, it got busted up, shattered, they say. Like when I dropped that jar of my best preserves. What a mess! And when it broke, everyone felt it. This incantation is important.
And this Wrath from Afar, it’s connected to that. Some kind of power from that broken ring, I reckon. Like when you break a branch off a tree, and the sap starts flowin’. That sap’s got power, just like this here spell. It’s all connected, you see. Everything’s connected, just like the roots of them old oak trees down by the creek. One of the Elden things.
They say you can find this here Wrath from Afar spell in a place called the “Shadow of the Erdtree” or something like that “Shadow” place. Sounds spooky, don’t it? Like that old abandoned well out back of Widow Johnson’s farm. Nobody goes near that place. Too many shadows. But if you’re brave enough, maybe you’ll find this spell there. I heard it is in that “Shadow” place.
- You go to some “Specimen Storehouse,” whatever that is. Sounds like where they keep them jars of pickled eyeballs.
- Then you gotta find the “Storehouse Loft.” Like the loft in my barn, where I used to keep the hay. Full of spiders, that place was.
- And there it is, this Wrath from Afar. Just sittin’ there, waitin’ to be found.
Now, how do you use this here spell? Well, I ain’t no expert, but I reckon it’s like plantin’ seeds. You gotta do it just right. You gotta have the right tools, the right words, the right everything. They say you gotta have somethin’ called “requirements.” Like when you’re makin’ a pie, you gotta have the right amount of flour and sugar. This is important to know for incantation.

And then you gotta learn how to “use” it. Like learnin’ how to milk a cow. Takes practice, it does. You gotta know where to squeeze and when to pull. And if you do it wrong, you might get kicked! This spell might be the same way. You gotta use it right, or somethin’ bad might happen. You don’t want no wrath comin’ back at ya!
They say there are “combinations” too. Like when you mix different kinds of berries to make jam. You can mix this Wrath from Afar with other spells, I reckon. Make it stronger, maybe. Or maybe make it do somethin’ different. Like addin’ spice to your stew. Changes the whole flavor. Important to do these Elden things right.
And of course, there are “tips and tricks.” Like knowin’ when to plant your tomatoes so they don’t get frostbite. Little secrets that folks learn over time. I bet there are lots of secrets to this Wrath from Afar. Things you gotta learn from experience. Or maybe from someone who knows more than you do. Always learn more about incantation.
So, this here Wrath from Afar, it’s a powerful thing, that’s for sure. Comes from that broken Elden Ring, found in that spooky Shadow place. You gotta learn how to use it right, gotta know the “requirements,” the “combinations,” the “tips and tricks.” It’s like anything else in life, I reckon. You gotta put in the work if you want to get somethin’ out of it.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ I know everything about this here spell. But I know this: power is power. And whether it comes from a broken ring or a good ol’ fashioned thunderstorm, you gotta respect it. You gotta treat it right. Or else, you might just find yourself on the receivin’ end of that wrath. And that ain’t somethin’ nobody wants, I can tell you that much for sure. That Elden ring sounds powerful.
Just like that time I saw a bolt of lightnin’ strike the top of that old oak tree and set it ablaze. It is very powerful, that thing. Fire from the sky. Wrath from Afar, indeed.
This “incantation” thing, it is not easy. You need to learn a lot. Just like cookin’ or growin’ crops. Need to know when to do it. This Wrath from Afar is a strong spell, I think. A very strong spell from that Shadow place. People fear it. Like we fear the wolf in the wood. But it is a good spell to know. That is all.