Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about this Meredith Scheffler and her due date. Folks been talkin’ ’bout it, ya know, like they do. Seems like just yesterday she was a young gal, and now, bam! She’s havin’ a baby. Time flies, I tell ya, it flies like a bat outta hell.

Now, I heard tell that her fella, Scottie Scheffler, he’s one of them golfin’ fellas. Real good at it, too, they say. He’s been winnin’ all sorts of tournaments, which is somethin’, I guess. But a baby, that’s a whole ‘nother story. That’s bigger than any golf game, I reckon.
They say the baby was due sometime in April. Yep, that’s what I heard. Folks were watchin’ her at them golf games, seein’ her all big and round. She looked like she was about to pop any day. But then, wouldn’t ya know it, the baby waited a bit longer.
Turns out, the little fella, they named him Bennett, he arrived in May. May 8th, to be exact. That’s a fine time for a baby, I reckon. Springtime, everything’s bloomin’, and new life is all around. It just feels right, ya know?
- Meredith, she used to be Meredith Scudder, I heard.
- Grew up in Dallas, they say.
- Smart gal, too. Works with some kind of do-gooder group, helpin’ folks out. Behind Every Door, they call it.
- Sounds fancy, but as long as she’s doin’ good, that’s all that matters.
Scottie, he seems real proud. Posted a picture of that baby on somethin’ called Instagram. I don’t know much about them modern contraptions, but folks seem to like it. He was smilin’ big, holdin’ that little fella. A daddy’s pride, that’s a powerful thing.
Now, havin’ a baby, that ain’t no walk in the park. It’s hard work, I tell ya. Lots of sleepless nights, lots of worryin’. But it’s worth it, every bit of it. There ain’t nothin’ like holdin’ your own baby in your arms. It’s a love like no other, a love that just keeps on growin’.

I heard tell Scottie took a little break from his golfin’ to be with Meredith and the baby. That’s how it should be, I say. Family comes first, always. Golf can wait. Babies don’t stay babies forever, ya know. They grow up fast, too fast sometimes.
So, Meredith Scheffler, she had her baby, and it sounds like everyone’s happy and healthy. That’s all ya can ask for, really. Life’s got its ups and downs, its twists and turns, but a new baby, well, that’s a blessin’. That’s somethin’ to celebrate.
And let me tell ya, bein’ a mama, that’s the hardest and best job in the world. Meredith, she’ll learn that soon enough, if she ain’t already figured it out. It’s a wild ride, this motherhood thing, but it’s a ride worth takin’. Every single time.
So, here’s to Meredith and Scottie and little Bennett. May they have a long and happy life together, filled with love and laughter and lots of precious moments. And may that little Bennett grow up strong and healthy, and maybe even become a golfin’ champ like his daddy. Or maybe he’ll do somethin’ else entirely. Whatever he does, as long as he’s happy, that’s all that matters.
That’s about all I got to say about Meredith Scheffler and her due date. Just a good ol’ story about a baby bein’ born and a family growin’. And that, my friends, is somethin’ worth talkin’ about.

Tags: [Meredith Scheffler, Scottie Scheffler, Baby, Due Date, Bennett Scheffler, Family, Golf, May 8, Dallas, Behind Every Door]