That Alvarez, he sure knows how to whack that little yellow ball! I seen him on the TV, that tennis thing, you know? He’s somethin’ else. Reminds me of my grandson, always runnin’ around, full of beans. This Alvarez tennis is a sight to see, I tell ya.

They got these big sticks, they call ’em rackets. And they just swat that ball back and forth, back and forth. Makes my head spin just watchin’ it! But that Alvarez, he’s got a way of hittin’ it, I don’t know, just…different. He’s like a magician with that tennis racket, I swear.
They run around that big square, what do they call it? The court? Yeah, that’s it, the tennis court. And they chase that ball like a hound dog after a rabbit. Keeps ’em fit, I reckon. Better than sittin’ around on your behind all day, that’s for sure. My old bones ain’t what they used to be, but I could still give ’em a run for their money, maybe.
Alvarez, he’s from Spain, I heard. Long way from here. But he plays that tennis all over the world, they say. Makes a good livin’ at it, too, I bet. More money than I ever seen in my whole life, that’s for darn sure. They say he is a legendary Spanish coach. I don’t know about coach, just know he can play!
My grandson, he tried to teach me how to play once. Gave me one of them rackets. Felt like I was holdin’ a frying pan! I swung and I missed, nearly fell over. He laughed so hard, bless his heart. It ain’t as easy as it looks, this tennis business.
- Need a good racket
- Need them little yellow balls, tennis balls they call ’em.
- Need a big space, a court, to run around in.
- Need someone who know the rules, I guess.
This Alvarez, though, he makes it look like child’s play. He’s got some secret, I’m tellin’ ya. Maybe he eats a special kind of food. Or maybe he’s got magic shoes! Whatever it is, he’s got it good. That’s why he’s famous for Alvarez tennis. This is some tennis tips for beginners, I think.

I seen ’em playin’ on the grass, on the dirt, even on that hard stuff. Don’t know how they don’t break their ankles. I’d be laid up for a week if I tried that. My old knees would never forgive me. This is tennis practice, I guess. Young people, they are strong.
They got all these fancy words for the way they hit the ball, too. Slices and topspin and…I don’t know what all. Sounds like a foreign language to me. Just hit the darn ball, that’s what I say! But this Alvarez, he knows all them fancy words. He got tennis principles. He’s a real tennis whiz.
They yell out numbers, too. Fifteen, thirty, forty…love. Love? What’s love got to do with it? It’s a game, ain’t it? Maybe they’re all just in love with that little yellow ball. I guess it is the best tennis balls. This game is a tennis guide for beginners.
I remember back in my day, we didn’t have all this fancy tennis stuff. We’d just find a stick and a rock and hit it around in the field. Didn’t need no net, no court, no fancy rackets. Just good old-fashioned fun. Maybe that is how Alvarez tennis starts. This is tennis for beginners.
But this Alvarez, he’s made somethin’ of himself with this tennis. Good for him, I say. He’s a hard worker, you can tell. And he’s good at what he does. That’s all that matters in this life, ain’t it? Find somethin’ you’re good at and stick with it. That’s what I always told my kids.

So, if you ever get a chance to watch that Alvarez play tennis, you do it. It’s somethin’ to see, I’m tellin’ ya. He’s a real entertainer, that one. And who knows, maybe it’ll inspire you to pick up a racket yourself. Just be careful not to fall over! And don’t forget your tennis balls. And watch out for your old bones, if you’re anything like me!
This game, tennis, is not easy. That Alvarez just makes it look that way. Maybe one day my grandson will be good like him. He sure loves to play. He’s got the spirit for it, that’s for sure. If he wants, he can get a good tennis coach. Just like the legendary Spanish coach. Maybe he will become Alvarez one day, who knows? He just needs a good teacher and a whole lot of practice. This Alvarez tennis looks fun. Maybe I will learn it one day, when I am not so old.
Anyways, better be gettin on. You don’t just learn how to play tennis on your first day. That is tennis for beginners. That Alvarez, though. He’s something. He must be good at tennis practice. He’s got the best tennis rackets, I bet.