Well now, if you’re sitting there scratchin’ your head, tryin’ to figure out what this “decides that one will” crossword clue means, don’t you worry none. I been around the block a few times and can help you out with this one. It’s one of them tricky little puzzles you sometimes find in the newspaper, you know, the kind that leaves ya thinkin’ for a minute. But don’t you worry, we’re gonna sort it all out in no time.

So, you see, when it says “decides that one will,” it’s basically askin’ for a word or phrase that means someone made up their mind to do somethin’. It’s like when you get that look in your eye and say, “Yep, I’m gonna do it.” Or when you decide to go to town for some chicken feed, and you ain’t gonna change your mind. You know the kind of decision I mean. Well, in crossword-speak, the answer for this one is the word optsto.
This little word, optsto, comes from a phrase where you “opt” to do somethin’. You know, like when you choose or decide to do something. It’s just a fancy way of sayin’ “I’ve made up my mind!” You might see this kind of thing in one of them New York Times puzzles, or in some of them other crosswords that pop up every now and then.
Now, I know what you’re thinkin’—”What in the world does that mean? Optsto?” But let me tell you, it’s really just a shortened form of the phrase. Sometimes them crossword folks get real clever like that, packin’ a whole lotta meaning into just a few little letters. It’s like when we take a shortcut through the woods to get to the store quicker. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with cuttin’ to the chase!
If you happen to run across this clue again, don’t let it throw you off. You just gotta remember what “optsto” means—it’s someone decidin’ they’re gonna do somethin’. Kinda like when you make your mind up to go pick them tomatoes in the garden, or when you decide it’s high time you go give the cows a good brushing.
Now, you might see this clue pop up in all kinds of crosswords, not just in the big city papers. It’s even showed up in crosswords from the likes of the Telegraph and some of them puzzles from across the big ol’ pond. They all got their own ways of doin’ things, but the answer stays the same.

And don’t you go thinkin’ that it’s just gonna be one answer, neither. There might be other ways of saying “decides that one will,” like “chooses to” or “plans to.” But for this particular crossword, they went with optsto, and that’s what we’re stickin’ with.
Sometimes these crossword puzzles can be a real head-scratcher, but with a little bit of patience and a good memory, you can work through ’em. Just like when you’re out there pickin’ beans or shellin’ peas, it takes a bit of time, but you get there in the end. And before long, you’ll be on your way to solving them puzzles like you was born to do it!
So next time you see that crossword clue “decides that one will,” you won’t be caught off guard. You’ll know exactly what it means and how to fill it in. Ain’t no crossword puzzle too tough when you know how to crack it!
Tags:[crossword, optsto, crossword clue, crossword answer, decide to, puzzles, crossword puzzle, solve crossword]