Okay, so today I tried to make “vincent winey,” and let me tell you, it was a bit of a journey. I started by gathering all my stuff.

Getting Started
First, I grabbed my ingredients:
- Some grapes (I used red ones, ’cause why not?)
- Sugar, of course
- Yeast – the magic ingredient!
- And some water, gotta have that.
I washed the grapes real good. I mean, who knows where those things have been? Then I smashed them all up. It was messy, but kinda fun, to be honest. I put the mashed grapes in a big jar I found.
The Messy Part
Next, I added the sugar and water. I just kinda eyeballed it, didn’t really measure anything. I’m not a scientist, you know? I stirred everything together until the sugar looked like it was all gone.
Then came the yeast. I sprinkled it on top, like I was feeding a pet fish or something. I didn’t stir it in, just let it sit there and do its thing.
Waiting Game
I covered the jar with a cloth and put it in a dark, cool place. Now, the hard part: waiting. I had to leave it alone for, like, weeks! It felt like forever.

I checked on it every few days, just to make sure it wasn’t exploding or anything. It started to bubble, which was kinda cool. That means the yeast was working, turning the sugar into alcohol. Science, huh?
Almost There
After a few weeks, the bubbling slowed down. That’s when I knew it was almost ready. I strained the mixture through a cheesecloth to get rid of all the grape bits. It was pretty gross, but necessary.
The Final Result
Finally, I poured the liquid into some bottles I had lying around. And there it was, my homemade “vincent winey”! I took a sip… and it was, well, interesting. Not exactly like the stuff you buy in the store, but hey, I made it myself! It was strong, a little sweet, and definitely had a kick.
It is a little bit sour.I think next time, I will add more sugar.
It was a fun experiment, and I’d probably try it again, maybe with different fruit next time. Who knows, maybe I’ll become a master winemaker someday! (Probably not, but a guy can dream, right?)