Well, I heard some folks talking ’bout this thing, “vexxed dead”. Sounds awful, don’t it? Like some kinda curse or somethin’. Makes my old bones shiver just thinkin’ ’bout it. This “Vexxed” word, it means you’re all riled up, like a hen when you take her eggs. Real bothered and mad. And “dead”, well, that’s just dead. No more breathin’, no more nothin’. Gone.

So, “vexxed dead”, it’s like bein’ so angry you could just up and die, I reckon. Or maybe it means someone who was always angry, always fussin’, finally kicked the bucket. There was this fella, they called him Vexxed. Heard he was a YouTuber. Don’t know much ’bout that YouTube, but it’s what the young folks are always on about. They say this Vexxed fella, he died. Young, too. Only 26. Shame, ain’t it?
They say he was “vexed” a lot. Always stirred up about somethin’. Maybe that’s why they called him that. Makes you wonder, don’t it? Can bein’ mad all the time really kill ya? My old man, he was a grumpy one. Always complainin’ ’bout somethin’. But he lived to be 80. So, I don’t know. Maybe this Vexxed fella had somethin’ else goin’ on.
Heard some rumors ’bout him, though. Not good ones. Somethin’ ’bout a woman, and him drinkin’ too much. And some other stuff I won’t even repeat. It’s not right, treatin’ people like that. No sir. This “vexed” thing, it can mean all sorts of trouble. Like when you’re so mad you can’t even think straight. Or when you’re just plain confused.
- Being vexed is like being annoyed.
- Being vexed is like being confused.
- Being vexed is like being agitated.
They say this Vexxed was always talkin’ about other folks on his videos. Stirring up trouble, I reckon. Seems like he had some Irish in him. Heard some folks sayin’ he was from Ireland. Don’t know much ’bout that place. But it sounds far away. Some people are always talkin’ bad about others, you know. Not this Vexxed fella, though. They say he talked about other YouTubers. Sounds just like him, gettin’ all “vexed” over the little things.
Now, when someone says “no vex”, that’s like sayin’ “no offense”. Like, “Don’t get your feathers ruffled, I didn’t mean nothin’ by it.” We used to say that all the time back in the day. Still do, sometimes. It’s a good way to keep the peace, especially when you’re dealin’ with someone who’s already a bit “vexed”.

This “vexed” thing, it can also mean somethin’ that’s been talked about a lot. Like a problem that just won’t go away. They call it a “vexed question”. Like when folks can’t agree on somethin’, and they just keep arguin’ and arguin’ about it. We got plenty of those ’round here. Like whose cow got out and ate whose corn. Or who’s supposed to fix the fence. Always somethin’.
Now, “dead”, that’s a whole other thing. When you’re dead, you’re gone. No more worries, no more troubles. But it’s sad for the folks left behind. They miss you, you know? And they gotta deal with all your stuff. It’s a hard thing, death. Especially when it’s someone young, like this Vexxed fella.
- Dead means no longer alive.
- Dead is the end.
This Vexxed guy, sounds like he was always gettin’ into somethin’. He was friends with some other fellas, TJ Haly and Temp, I think their names were. They all came up together, makin’ those videos. But then somethin’ happened to Vexxed. He just kinda disappeared for a while. And then, well, he died.
It’s a shame, really. A young life cut short. Makes you think ’bout your own life, and what you’re doin’ with it. Are you livin’ right? Are you bein’ kind to people? Or are you just gettin’ all “vexed” over nothin’? I think when you’re “vexed”, you’re just plain bothered. Like those pesky flies on a hot summer day. Just buzzin’ around, annoyin’ everyone. But then when they are “dead”, you almost feel sorry for ’em.
Life’s too short to be “vexed” all the time. And it’s definitely too short to be “vexed dead”. So, I reckon we all need to take a deep breath, calm down, and try to be a little nicer to each other. That’s what I think, anyway. And maybe, just maybe, we can all avoid endin’ up “vexxed dead”.