Well now, if you’re lookin’ for the answer to the crossword clue “drench” from The New York Times, you’ve come to the right place. You know, sometimes these puzzles can make your head spin a bit, especially when they toss out a word like “drench.” But don’t you worry, I’m here to help you out with that answer so you don’t end up pullin’ your hair out. Let’s break it down together!

The clue “drench” usually means somethin’ like “soak” or “wet thoroughly.” Now, if you’ve been workin’ through the puzzle, you might’ve noticed that crossword clues often have a way of takin’ a simple word and stretchin’ it out to mean somethin’ a little different. So, in the case of “drench,” we’re lookin’ for a word that means just that—soak or get wet, and more likely than not, it’s gonna be a 6-letter word.
Common Answer for “Drench” in NYT Crossword:
- Soaked
Yep, you heard it right. “Soaked” is a 6-letter word that fits right into that spot. You’ve probably seen it before when somethin’ is completely drenched with water, like when a rainstorm comes down and you can’t help but get wet. So if you’re workin’ on that crossword and you see the clue “drench,” go ahead and try “soaked” as your answer.
When Was This Clue Used?
This “drench” clue appeared a few times in the NYT crossword. It popped up on March 30, and again just recently, on September 20, 2024. These puzzles sure do keep you on your toes, don’t they?
Now, sometimes crossword clues can be a bit tricky, and you might find yourself lookin’ for a different word or feelin’ like you got it wrong. But don’t get discouraged. If you see “drench” in a puzzle again, just remember that the answer is likely gonna be somethin’ that’s close to “soaked” or “soak,” maybe “saturate” or “water,” dependin’ on how the clue is worded.
Where Else Can You Find “Drench” in Crosswords?
If you’re workin’ through other puzzles like the Daily Mirror or the Daily Celebrity, you might come across the same clue. “Drench” is a popular one because it’s a simple word but can have different meanings, depending on the puzzle. So, when you’re workin’ through the clues, just keep an eye out for words that might fit and check how many letters you need to fill the blank spaces.
And if you find yourself stumped on a crossword clue, just know you’re not alone. We all get stuck sometimes, but a little patience and a good eye for detail can make all the difference. So go ahead and tackle that puzzle, and remember: “drench” often means “soaked,” so that’s a good place to start!

Crossword puzzles can be a real brain teaser, but with a little bit of know-how and some patience, you’ll be fillin’ in those blanks like a pro. The next time you come across the clue “drench,” you’ll know the answer is “soaked” or somethin’ similar. Don’t forget to keep your eyes open for other clues like it in the future. Happy puzzlin’!
Tags:[NYT Crossword, Drench Crossword Clue, Crossword Answers, NYT Puzzle, Soaked Crossword]