Alright, guys, so I’ve been diving deep into Mighty Doom lately, trying to figure out the best gear and weapon combos. And let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride! So I thought, why not put together my own little tier list and share my painful – I mean, amazing – journey with you all?

First off, I started by just playing. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. I used whatever I could get my hands on, dying repeatedly, and generally just getting wrecked. I didn’t even bother to get some weapons until I realized it was useless.
Then, I started to pay attention. You know, actually reading the weapon descriptions and stuff. Revolutionary, I know. I started noticing which weapons felt good, which ones were clearing rooms faster, and which ones were just… meh. I took mental notes, scribbled some stuff down on a napkin (yeah, I’m that guy), and started forming some early opinions.
Next, I hit the forums and some Discord servers. I saw what other players were saying, what their tier lists looked like, and started comparing notes. Some of it lined up with my experience, some of it didn’t. And that’s fine! It’s all about figuring out what works best for you, right?
After that, I got down to some serious experimentation. I focused on trying different weapon combinations, switching out gear, and really pushing the limits of what I could do. This involved a lot more dying. Seriously, I think my in-game character has PTSD at this point.
My Initial Tier List
S-Tier (The Absolute Gods):

- Heavy Cannon (melts everything, seriously)
- Gauss Cannon (great at single targets)
A-Tier (Really, Really Good):
- Plasma Rifle (bouncy!)
- Burst Rifle (more consistent damage, but slower)
- Combat Shotgun (great at close range)
B-Tier (Usable, But Not Amazing):
- ChainGun
- Heavy Assault Rifle
C-Tier (Just… No):
- Everything else (seriously, just use the stuff above)
I realized that this list, while helpful as a starting point, isn’t the be-all and end-all. It’s all about finding what clicks with your playstyle. What works for me might not work for you, and vice-versa. I’m still tweaking and refining, so this is very much a work in progress. Keep playing, keep experimenting, and don’t be afraid to buck the trends! Good luck and have fun.