Alright, listen up, you young’uns! This here old lady’s gonna tell ya somethin’ about that game, what’s it called? MLB The Show 24? Yeah, that’s the one. And this thing called the “egg hunt.” Sounds silly, don’t it? But my grandson, bless his heart, he’s all excited about it, so I figured I’d try to understand what in tarnation he’s talkin’ about.

So, this MLB The Show 24 egg hunt thing, it’s like a scavenger hunt, but you do it in the game. You gotta find these hidden eggs, like Easter eggs, but they ain’t real, just somethin’ on the screen. Ten of ’em, they say. Ten hidden eggs! Can you believe it? Back in my day, we hunted for real eggs, and if you found a rotten one, well, that was just tough luck! You’d get a whiff of somethin’ awful, that’s for sure! Ha!
Now, these MLB The Show 24 eggs, they ain’t just sittin’ there in plain sight. Oh no, they’re hidden all over the place. In the game, I mean. You gotta play all these different parts of the game to find ’em. My grandson, he says it’s in all the different “modes.” Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, but I guess that’s what the young folks are into these days.
And what do you get for findin’ these MLB The Show 24 hidden eggs? Well, you get prizes. “Rewards,” they call ’em. Not real prizes, mind you. Just somethin’ in the game. My grandson, he showed me some of ’em. They don’t look like much to me, but he was jumpin’ up and down like he’d won a new tractor! Kids these days.
- Hidden Egg 1
- Hidden Egg 2
- Hidden Egg 3
- Hidden Egg 4
- Hidden Egg 5
- Hidden Egg 6
- Hidden Egg 7
- Hidden Egg 8
- Hidden Egg 9
- Hidden Egg 10
I don’t rightly know what every single prize is in the MLB The Show 24 egg hunt, but he tried to explain it to me. Somethin’ about gettin’ new players for your team, or makin’ your players better. It all sounds mighty complicated to this old gal. Back in my day, we played baseball with a stick and a ball, and that was good enough for us!
He says one of these eggs, egg #8 I think it was, you gotta hit two “doubles.” I asked him what a double was, and he said it’s when you hit the ball and run to second base. Well, we used to do that all the time! We just didn’t have a fancy name for it. This is in the “Events” mode he says. Don’t have to be in the same game or in a row. Just two doubles, whenever.

Then there’s another one, egg #9, where you gotta win a game in somethin’ called “Mini-Seasons” mode. And you gotta play it on somethin’ called “All-Star” difficulty, what a bunch of words! He says that means it’s harder than usual. Well, of course, it’s hard! If it was easy, everyone would be doin’ it! And how do you win? You get more runs than the other fella, that’s how!
This whole MLB The Show 24 thing, it’s a lot to take in. All these different modes, and eggs, and prizes. But I guess it keeps the young’uns entertained. And it’s better than them gettin’ into trouble, I suppose. Still, I think I’ll stick to my garden. At least I know what I’m doin’ there. These newfangled games are too much for this old timer.
This egg hunt is a big program, they say. You finish it, you get somethin’ real good. What is it? I don’t know. My grandson gets so excited he talks too fast. It’s all about MLB The Show 24, though. Remember that.
But I will tell you one thing. Those kids sure do love their video games. My grandson, he’s a good boy, but he spends way too much time starin’ at that screen. I keep tellin’ him to go outside and get some fresh air, but he just says, “Grandma, I gotta find these eggs!” Oh, well. At least he’s happy. I hope these MLB the Show 24 tips will help you.
And who knows, maybe I’ll give this MLB The Show 24 egg hunt a try myself one of these days. If I can figure out how to turn the darn thing on, that is! Ha! These new contraptions are somethin’ else. But hey, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em, right? Or at least watch them play from the couch while you drink your tea!

There you have it. That is my take on this MLB The Show 24 egg hunt. Hope you find all of ’em. If you need me, I will be in my rocking chair, probably napping. Good luck to ya!