Okay, so today I messed around with something called “lolidle”. I’d never heard of it before, but it sounded interesting, so I figured, why not give it a shot? Here’s how it went down.

Getting Started
First things first, I had to, you know, actually find this thing. I did a quick search and started exploring, seems it’s all about making those cute, anime-style 2D characters, sounds cool.
I grabbed the files and started looking around the project. The whole thing’s set up pretty intuitively. There’s a main script, a bunch of folders for different parts of the model, and some configuration files.
My Fumbling Attempts
Alright, time to actually do something. I decided to start simple. I looked at example files, and tried to change things like colors and simple shapes, just to see what would happen.
Honestly, the first few tries were a bit of a mess. I kept getting error , or the model would just show up all garbled. It took some trial and error, reading, and trying things to fix issues.
Small Victories
But hey, after some struggle, I finally got something working! I managed to change the outfit of the model to green, and make her a little more like what I want. It was a small change, sure, but it felt like a huge win after all the earlier fails.

Next Steps (Maybe?)
So, that’s where I’m at right now. I’ve barely scratched the surface of what “lolidle” can do, but I’m kind of hooked. I might try playing around with poses and animations next, or maybe even try creating a custom model from scratch. Who knows? It’s all about experimenting and having fun, right?
If anyone else has messed around with “lolidle”, I’d love to hear about your experiences! Maybe we can swap tips and tricks. Until then, I’ll just keep poking at it and see what happens.