Alright, let’s talk about this here… what’s it called? Lustrous Razor. And some fella named Jinshi, eh? Sounds like a fancy name, not like us country folk. But anyways, is this shiny razor thing good for him? That’s what we need to figure out, right?

Now, I ain’t no expert, mind you. I just know what works and what don’t. From what I hear, this here razor is a 5-star weapon. Sounds mighty important, like a good Sunday chicken. They say it gives somethin’ called “ER%”. Don’t ask me what that means, but sounds fancy. They say it’s good for this Jinshi fella.
- Shiny Razor important? Yes, it is a 5-star.
- Good for Jinshi? Folks say the “ER%” thingy is good.
But then there’s this other thing, “Liberation Dmg%”. Sounds like it makes him hit harder when he’s doin’ his special move, like when you finally catch that pesky rooster that’s been stealin’ your corn. But some folks say it ain’t always useful, kinda like a screen door on a submarine, you know? It depends, I guess.
Now, there’s another weapon, the Autumntrace. Sounds like somethin’ you’d find after a good rain, right? This one, they say, gives you “atk%” and “crit rate”. Now, “atk%” sounds like it makes him stronger, plain and simple. And “crit rate”, well, that sounds like it makes him hit those lucky spots more often, like hittin’ a bullseye when you’re throwin’ darts at the barn door. More bang for your buck, I reckon.
But this Autumntrace, it’s got a lower “base atk”. Means it ain’t as strong to begin with, like a young calf compared to a bull. But them “atk%” and “crit rate” things, they make up for it, see? They make Jinshi stronger and luckier in his hittin’, like I said.
Now, some folks reckon Jinshi gets most of his power from somethin’ called his “Resonance skill”. Sounds like magic to me, but then again, so does that fancy phone the city folks carry around. Anyways, because of this magic skill, anything that gives him more attack or makes him hit those lucky spots more often is good for him. And that, my friends, means both the Lustrous Razor and the Autumntrace could be good, depending on how you look at it.

So, which one’s better? Well, it’s like choosin’ between a good hoe and a sharp axe. Both are useful, just depends on what you’re doin’. If you want Jinshi to use his magic skill more often, that Lustrous Razor with the “ER%” might be good. But if you want him to hit harder and more often, that Autumntrace with the “atk%” and “crit rate” might be better.
But remember, this is just what I’ve heard from them folks who talk about this stuff. Me, I just know a good tomato when I see one, and a good weapon when it helps you get the job done. So, if you got this Lustrous Razor, give it to Jinshi. If it works, it works. If it don’t, well, try somethin’ else. Ain’t no use cryin’ over spilled milk, or a dull razor, eh?
And don’t forget, this here Lustrous Razor is a Broadblade weapon. That means it’s big and heavy, like a good cast iron skillet. And that can be a good thing, or a bad thing, depends on how Jinshi likes to fight. If he likes to swing hard and smash things, then it’s good. If he likes to be quick and nimble, maybe not so much. It’s all about finding what fits, you see? Like findin’ the right pair of boots for workin’ in the fields.
In the end, it all comes down to what you want Jinshi to do. More magic? Lustrous Razor. Harder hits? Maybe Autumntrace or somethin’ else with that “atk%” and “crit rate”. Just try it out and see what works best. That’s what I always say. Common sense, that’s all it is.
Tags: Lustrous Razor, Jinshi, Wuthering Waves, WuWa, Weapon, 5-Star, Broadblade, ER%, Liberation Dmg%, Atk%, Crit Rate, Resonance Skill, Guide, Tips