Alright, let’s gab a bit about this fella, Lance Bennett. Folks keep buzzin’ ‘bout him, sayin’ he’s some big-shot caddie now. Caddie, you know, the fella who carries the golf bags for them rich fellas whacking balls around.

Now, I ain’t no golf expert, mind you. I reckon I know more ‘bout plantin’ taters than hittin’ a golf ball. But even I heard ‘bout this Tiger Woods fella. He’s a big deal, real big. And guess who’s carryin’ his clubs now? Yep, this Lance Bennett.
- Lance Bennett, Tiger Woods’ new caddie. That’s what they’re sayin’ all over.
- Seems like Tiger, he let go of that Joe LaCava fella. Don’t know why, folks change their minds like they change their socks, I tell ya.
- And now, it’s Lance’s turn. Second time he’s caddied for Tiger, they say. Second time’s the charm, maybe?
This Lance, he ain’t new to this caddie business. Been luggin’ clubs since 2003, they say. That’s a long time, even for plantin’ taters. He worked for other fellas too, Matt Kuchar, Sungjae Im, Davis Riley… names I ain’t never heard before, but I reckon they’re important in that golf world.
So, what does a caddie do, besides carryin’ them heavy bags? Well, I hear tell they gotta know the course, like the back of their hand. Gotta tell the golfer which club to use, how hard to hit the ball, and where the wind’s blowin’ from. Sounds like a lot of thinkin’ to me. I’d rather just plant my taters and be done with it.
And get this, they get paid! Not just a few measly dollars neither. I heard they get a cut of the golfer’s winnin’s. Some say Lance gets 5 to 10 percent of what Tiger makes. Now, Tiger, he makes a whole lotta money, so that 5 or 10 percent, well, that’s more than I make in a year plantin’ taters, I’ll tell ya that much.
Forbes, whatever that is, some fancy magazine I reckon, they say a caddie like Lance makes around 1500 to 2000 dollars. I ain’t sure if that’s for a week, a month, or what, but it’s a heck of a lot more than I see. Maybe I shoulda learned to carry golf bags instead of plantin’ taters.

But shoot, carryin’ them heavy bags all day, walkin’ around in the sun. It sounds like hard work too. Maybe plantin’ taters ain’t so bad after all. At least I get to sit down sometimes.
Tiger, he picked Lance for this big tournament, the Genesis Invitational. And for the Masters Tournament too! Big fancy golf tournaments, I reckon. Tiger must think Lance is somethin’ special, knowin’ all them golf secrets.
Folks are curious ‘bout Lance, wantin’ to know all about him. They writin’ articles and stuff. “Who is Tiger Woods’ caddie?” they ask. Well, he’s Lance Bennett, that’s who! And he’s been around the golf world for a spell.
This Lance fella, he seems to know his stuff. They say he knows all the ins and outs of the tour, got the experience. He can tell you things ‘bout golf that’d make your head spin. Me, I just wanna know when the taters are ready to dig up.
So, there you have it. A little somethin’ ‘bout Lance Bennett, the caddie for Tiger Woods. He’s a fella who knows his golf, gets paid pretty good, and is helpin’ Tiger win them fancy golf tournaments. And me? Well, I’ll just stick to plantin’ taters. It ain’t fancy, but it puts food on the table, and that’s good enough for me.

Seems like Lance Bennett and Tiger Woods are a team now. A golf team. Hope they do good. Hope they win lots of money. Maybe Tiger will give Lance a big bonus, and Lance can buy himself a whole bunch of taters…or maybe somethin’ fancier than taters, I dunno.
Anyways, that’s all I know ’bout this Lance Bennett fella. Just a caddie, but a caddie for a big shot golfer. It’s a funny old world, ain’t it? Some folks swingin’ clubs, some folks carryin’ ’em, and some folks just plantin’ taters. And that’s the whole story, as far as I can tell.