Well now, let me tell ya something about them WWE wrestlers. Y’all might be wonderin’ just how much them folks make doin’ all them flips, punches, and slams in that big ol’ ring. I can tell ya, they don’t just get a little pocket change for all that hard work. No, ma’am. They make a pretty penny, alright. Some of ’em make so much money, they don’t even know what to do with it all.

First off, let’s talk about the basics. WWE wrestlers, the ones on the main roster, they start off with a base salary of about $250,000 a year. Now, I know what you’re thinkin’, that’s a lotta money! But hold on now, it gets better. On top of that, they can earn more money through pay-per-view fees and bonuses for sellin’ stuff like t-shirts and other merchandise. So if they’re real good at promotin’ their name and makin’ the crowd cheer, they might be pullin’ in a lot more than that base pay.
On average, most wrestlers make around $500,000 a year. Now, I don’t know about you, but that’s a heap of money. And that’s just the middle-of-the-road folks. The top dogs, like the big stars you see headlinin’ shows, they can make way more. We’re talkin’ a million dollars or even more, if they’re lucky and workin’ real hard.
Now, you may have heard of Brock Lesnar, the big guy with the muscles. Well, that feller, he’s rakin’ in a whopping $5 million a year! Ain’t that somethin’? Even though he’s not on TV much in 2024, he’s still the top earner in WWE. He’s been a big name in the sport for years, and even when he’s not showin’ up, the fans still pay attention to him. And that’s the thing, folks, these wrestlers get paid for all the buzz they create, even when they’re not always in the ring.
Brock Lesnar ain’t the only one makin’ bank. Roman Reigns, he’s another big name in the WWE. But even though he’s popular, he ain’t pullin’ in as much as Brock. Roman makes about $12 million a year, which is a lot, but Brock’s still comin’ out ahead.
Then there’s the whole range of salaries. Some wrestlers make as little as $350,000 a year, but the top earners can get as much as $10 million. That’s a whole lotta money for doin’ what they love, which is all them crazy moves and fightin’ in front of the crowd.

What’s more, it ain’t just about the match earnings. WWE wrestlers get all sorts of bonuses and extra pay from merchandise sales, like them t-shirts I mentioned earlier. If you’ve got a popular name, you can make some serious money from all the stuff they sell with your face or catchphrase on it. If folks love ya, you get paid for it.
And I reckon I should tell ya, the way these salaries have been goin’ up, it’s not just because the wrestlers are gettin’ better at fightin’. Nope, it’s also ’cause the WWE itself is makin’ more money through things like TV deals and ticket sales. The whole operation’s gettin’ bigger, and them wrestlers are gettin’ a bigger slice of the pie too.
But I know what you’re wonderin’—how much do they get paid per match? Well, that can vary a bit dependin’ on their contract, but a lot of wrestlers make a nice sum for each match they fight in. Some get paid by the event, like them big pay-per-view matches, and others have a fixed fee as part of their contract. So it’s all about the deal they’ve struck with the WWE.
It’s worth mentionin’ too, that while them wrestlers are makin’ some serious dough, it’s not all smooth sailin’. They work hard and get banged up a lot. Some folks might say it’s like bein’ a professional stuntman, ‘cept with a lot more people watchin’ you. That’s why they get paid so much. It ain’t just the fame and fortune, it’s the risks they take every time they step into that ring.
So yeah, to sum it up, WWE wrestlers can make anywhere from $250,000 a year to $10 million or more, dependin’ on how popular they are and how good they are at promotin’ themselves. Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns, and the like—they’re the ones makin’ the big bucks, but even the mid-tier folks are doin’ alright for themselves. It’s a tough job, but it sure does pay off for the ones who can make a name for themselves.

Tags:[WWE, wrestler earnings, how much WWE wrestlers make, WWE salary, Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns salary, WWE pay-per-view, WWE contracts, professional wrestlers, wrestling salaries, WWE merchandise sales]