Okay, so I was messing around online, and the names Greg Norman and Chris Evert popped into my head. I was curious, so I started digging.

The Initial Search
I fired up my browser and typed in “Greg Norman and Chris Evert.” Boom! A bunch of articles came up. It looked like they were married, and then… not married.
Diving Deeper
I started clicking on a few of the articles and reading through them. I skimmed some of the longer ones, looking for the key details.
- They got hitched in the Bahamas. Fancy!
- It was a short marriage – lasted only like 15 months or so.
- There was some talk about why they split, but nothing super concrete. Just typical celebrity gossip stuff, probably.
Piecing it Together
So, after bouncing around a few websites, I basically figured out the gist of it. They were a couple, got married, it didn’t work out, and they went their separate ways. Pretty standard stuff, really. Nothing too shocking, just a quick little trip down the celebrity relationship rabbit hole!