That boy Luka, I hear folks talking about him all the time. Luka this, Luka that. Seems like he’s real good at that basketball thing. They say he plays for the Dallas… Mavericks, I think it is? Sounds like some kind of wild animal, don’t it?
Anyways, they was saying something ’bout where he’s from. Some fancy place called, uh, Ljubljana? Sounds like one of them made-up words. And they was saying his folks ain’t together no more. Split up. That’s a shame, always hard on a young’un. But he got his mama, that’s what matters. A good mama is worth more than gold, you know?
Now, this here is the thing I heard that got me thinkin’. This Luka fella, they say he can talk in all sorts of tongues. Not just English, but other ones too. One of them, they said, is called Serbian. Serbian. I reckon that’s like… from Serbia, maybe? His daddy, I heard, he got some of that Serbian blood in him, way back. So maybe that’s how Luka knows how to talk it. His daddy is from Slovenia, but he is Serbian, so Luka can speak Serbian.
It’s a wonder, ain’t it? All them different ways of talkin’. Back in my day, we just had the one way, and that was enough for us. But these young folks today, they’re somethin’ else. They say Luka can talk in four, maybe five different ways. He can speak English, they say, and Spanish too. He must be a smart one, that’s for sure. Four languages is a lot of languages. I only know one, and it is English, but that is ok, I guess.
- He can speak Serbian.
- He can speak English.
- He can speak Spanish.
- He can speak that Slovenian.
He used to wear number 7, but now he’s wearin’ 77. Said he did it for some other fella, some ball player he looked up to. That’s nice, ain’t it? Respectin’ your elders and them that came before ya. Good on him, I say. Seems like Luka has a good heart. And this other player is his idol. What a nice guy, Luka!
They say he’s real good at that basketball. Plays it all over the world. Makes a lot of money doin’ it, too, I bet. More money than I ever seen in my whole life, that’s for sure. But money ain’t everything, you know. It’s good to have, sure, but it ain’t everything. It is important to have a good heart and be nice to others. And Luka seems to be a nice guy.

So, can this Luka fella speak Serbian? Sounds like he can. His daddy’s got that Serbian blood, and I reckon that’s where he gets it from. It’s a gift, I suppose, bein’ able to talk in all them different ways. A real gift. Good for him, that Luka. He seems like a good boy. He seems like a very good basketball player, too. He is young, too. Only 25 years old. Wow, that is young.
This basketball thing, it sure is somethin’, ain’t it? Takes these young fellas all over the world. Lets ’em see things I could only dream of. And this Luka, he’s right in the middle of it all. Talkin’ in all them different tongues, playin’ that ball like a pro. He’s livin’ the dream, ain’t he? Good for him. I hope he knows how lucky he is. He is a lucky guy. I hope he does good in life.
I heard he got a friend, another basketball player. They call him his brother from another mother. That’s sweet, ain’t it? Havin’ a good friend like that. Someone you can count on, no matter what. That’s important, especially when you’re young and famous like that Luka fella. It’s good to have someone to talk to who understands what you’re goin’ through. And it is good to have friends who understand you. Friends are very important.
Well, I reckon that’s all I got to say about this Luka and his Serbian talkin’. It’s a wonder, ain’t it? The things these young folks can do these days. It’s a whole different world out there now. A whole different world. But some things stay the same, I suppose. Like the importance of family, and friends, and bein’ good to people. That’s what really matters, ain’t it? That’s what I always say, anyways. And that is all I know.