You know, that Brock Lesnar, the big fella in WWE? I ain’t seen him on the TV for a good while now. He’s been gone since that SummerSlam thing, I reckon, back in, uh… 2023, I think it was. Yep, August 2023. He was fightin’ that Cody Rhodes fella. Big match, that was. It was in that Ford Field at some city.

They say he was gonna come back. Heard it on the grapevine, you know? But then, nothin’. Just quiet. Like a mouse in a church. Some folks say he is going to return to WWE. But I don’t know when. He has been gone for more than a year. Like, he’s got some trouble, maybe some legal stuff. Don’t know the details, and it ain’t my business to know. I don’t know if he can come back.
But you know what? That Brock Lesnar, he’s a tough one. Always has been. He is strong. He is good at fighting. I saw a picture of him, just the other day. He looks like he’s in good shape. Still big and strong. He was wearin’ a simple shirt or somethin’.
- He’s a big fella.
- Strong as an ox, I tell ya.
- Ain’t seen him on the WWE for ages.
- Heard he might be comin’ back. Or maybe not.
Now, I don’t know much about this WWE return business. I just watch it on the TV sometimes. When I remember to turn it on, that is. But I do know that Brock Lesnar, he’s a big deal. When he’s on, folks watch. He’s a big shot.
He’s got a wife, you know. Used to be in the wrestlin’ too. They say she was a champion. Sable, I think her name was. Don’t see her around much either. They’re quiet folks, I guess. Keep to themselves. That’s alright.
I remember one time, Brock Lesnar, he was fightin’ this other big fella, and he just picked him up and threw him like he was nothin’. Just like that. He made it look easy. I couldn’t believe my eyes. My old eyes ain’t what they used to be, but I saw that clear as day.

You know, when you get old, you start to appreciate things like that. A good show. A bit of excitement. It’s better than watchin’ the paint dry, that’s for sure. And Brock Lesnar, he always puts on a good show. Or he did.
Maybe he will come back to WWE. Maybe he won’t. Who knows? Life’s full of surprises. Like that time my rooster ran off with the neighbor’s hen. Didn’t see that comin’. But you just gotta roll with the punches, I reckon. That’s what I always say.
I hope that Brock Lesnar is doing alright. That he is happy. He is living his life, with his wife. It is not my business. But I just want him to be happy. If he comes back to WWE, I will watch it. If he does not, I will also watch WWE. Because it is fun to watch.
Well, I reckon that’s all I got to say about that Brock Lesnar fella. He’s a strong one, that’s for sure. Hope to see him back in the WWE sometime. But if not, well, that’s alright too. There’s always somethin’ else to watch on that TV. Always somethin’ else to talk about. You know what I mean?
Maybe I will ask my son about Brock Lesnar. He knows a lot about WWE. He always talks about it. He can tell me more about it. I will call him tomorrow. It is late now.

It is time to go to bed. I am tired. I will watch WWE tomorrow. Maybe Brock Lesnar will be on it. But I don’t know. We will see. Anyway, good night.