Well now, if you’re lookin’ to hear about what’s goin’ on over at Barry University, I reckon you’re in for a treat. They got all sorts of things goin’ on, from sports to big ol’ news about folks gettin’ fancy titles. I’ll tell ya, them folks sure know how to make headlines. But don’t go rushin’ off, let me tell you all ’bout it.

Now, Barry University, down there in Miami Shores, has been makin’ waves lately. You see, it’s not just any ol’ school. It’s a Catholic institution, been around since 1940, and it’s run by them Dominican Sisters of Adrian. It’s got a history full of pride, I’ll say that much. Folks there are real proud of it. They say it stands out for its community spirit, and I reckon that’s true ’cause they sure do come together for one another.
One thing I reckon folks’ll talk about for a long while is how Barry University showed its support for the Cuban people. That was back in July of 2021, if you can remember. The whole community came together in solidarity, and they made it clear they was standin’ with Cuba. Now, that wasn’t just a small group, no sir. It was a real show of support, and it got noticed. I tell ya, when folks come together like that, you can feel the strength in the air.
Oh, and I can’t forget to mention somethin’ mighty interesting happened with Shaquille O’Neal. You know him, right? That big ol’ fella who played in the NBA? Well, he ain’t just a big guy in basketball. He’s now “Dr. O’Neal.” That’s right, folks. Barry University done honored him with a doctorate degree. Now he’s got a fancy title, and folks around town sure were proud to see him get it. I reckon it made a lotta folks think, “If he can do it, so can I!”
But it ain’t just the big names getting all the attention, no ma’am. Over at Barry, they’ve been real careful about this whole COVID business. They’ve set up what they call a “University Healthcare Planning Task Force,” which is just a fancy way of sayin’ they’re makin’ sure all the events and activities are safe for the students. If anyone’s feelin’ sick, they got rapid COVID tests ready to go. Now, that’s what I call lookin’ out for the students.
And I don’t know if y’all heard, but there was a little commotion not too long ago on campus. Some folks popped some balloons at an event, and the next thing you know, there was a false alarm about a shooter or somethin’ like that. Turns out, it was just balloons, but I tell ya, it sure got people’s hearts racin’. But they got everything sorted out quick, thank goodness.

Now, if you’re thinkin’ about goin’ to Barry University, let me tell ya a bit more. They got all sorts of schools and academic programs. Whether you’re lookin’ to get into healthcare, law, or something else, they probably got somethin’ for you. Enrollment is always open, and they even got folks to help you with your studies, so you ain’t left out in the cold. They sure know how to take care of their own.
And speaking of sports, the folks over at Barry University sure know how to play. They had themselves a mighty fine game one season, hittin’ a season-high of 99 points in a game. That’s a lotta points, I tell ya. And on defense, they grabbed 13 steals! I reckon them players know how to hustle. If you ask me, they’ve got the spirit of a winner.
All in all, Barry University’s a place that sure is full of action and excitement. They got history, they got heart, and they got folks workin’ hard to make it the best it can be. Whether you’re hearin’ about Shaq gettin’ his honorary degree or the big ol’ support for Cuba, you can see that it’s a place that don’t stand still. They’re always movin’, always changin’, and always lookin’ out for each other.
Tags:[Barry University, Miami Shores, Shaquille O’Neal, Catholic University, Cuban solidarity, COVID-19, University Healthcare Task Force, Student News, Basketball, Sports]