This here story is about that Andrew Zaheri fella from Morehead, KY. Heard he got himself in a whole heap of trouble. They say he was a teacher and a basketball coach, you know, one of them high school coaches. But he done messed up real bad.

He was sentenced to 22 years. 22 years! Can you believe that? That’s a long time, longer than some folks live ’round here. He’s 40 years old now, so he’ll be an old man when he gets out. It’s a shame, it really is. Wasted his life, that’s what he did.
They say he was doin’ somethin’ awful with a kid. somethin’ called “child pornography” it’s a bad thing. Real bad. I don’t understand all them fancy words, but I know it ain’t right. No sir, it ain’t right what he done.
They caught him, though. They always do. Got him locked up now, over in Covington. That’s where they have that big court, you know, the U.S. District Court. Judge named David Bunning, he’s the one who gave him that long sentence. Heard it on the news, clear as day.
Andrew Zaheri, Morehead, KY, that’s his name. He was a coach, a teacher. Supposed to be lookin’ out for them kids, not doin’ bad things. It’s a disgrace, that’s what it is. A crying shame. I don’t understand why he do these things.
- 22 years in prison, that’s what he got.
- He’s from Morehead, KY.
- He was a basketball coach and teacher.
- They say he did something to a child.
- The judge’s name is David Bunning.
- This happened in Kentucky.
That Andrew Zaheri, he had it all. A good job, teachin’ them youngins. Coachin’ basketball. Folks around here, they love their basketball. He coulda been somebody. But he threw it all away.

It just goes to show, you gotta be careful who you trust. Especially with your kids. You never know what somebody’s capable of. It’s a scary world out there, it really is. You gotta keep your eyes open, watch out for the bad ones.
They say he “pled guilty”. I guess that means he admitted he done it. He knew he was caught. Probably figured it was better to just own up to it. Still, 22 years. That’s a long, long time to be thinkin’ about what you done.
This whole thing, it just makes me sad. Sad for the kid, sad for Andrew Zaheri, even. He messed up his life, but he’s still a person. Just a person who made a terrible mistake. This is a serious thing.
I hope that kid gets the help they need. That’s the most important thing. Gotta make sure they’re okay. It ain’t easy, goin’ through somethin’ like that. Especially when you’re young. Breaks your heart, it really does.
I remember when my kids were young, you always worry about them. You want to protect them from everything. But you can’t always be there. You just gotta hope and pray they’ll be safe. Hope and pray they won’t run into somebody like that Andrew Zaheri fella.

I don’t know what else to say about it. It’s just a bad situation all around. A real tragedy. Makes you wonder what’s wrong with people these days. Why they gotta do such awful things. Andrew Zaheri Morehead KY, hope this is a lesson for others. Hope it stops someone doing the same thing.
Well, I guess that’s all I got to say about that Andrew Zaheri from Morehead, KY. It’s a sad story, but it’s one that needs to be told. Maybe it’ll help somebody. Maybe it’ll keep some other kid safe. That’s all you can hope for, I reckon.
I just hope that kid is alright. This is not good for Morehead, KY. This is not good for Andrew Zaheri.