Okay, so I wanted to mess around with this “Alex Doost” thing I kept hearing about. I’m not even sure what it is, really, but it sounded cool, so I decided to give it a shot. Here’s how it went down.

First Steps: What Even Is This?
First, I tried to figure out what I was even dealing with. I did some googling, poked around a few forums, and basically came up with… not much. It seemed like some kind of tool, or maybe a framework? It was all pretty vague.
Getting My Hands Dirty
Since I didn’t have clear instructions, I just started poking around. I found a page that looked like it might be the official site, and saw a big “Download” button. I clicked it, and got some kind of installer.
I ran the installer, and it threw a bunch of files onto my computer. I have no idea where they went, I just accepted the defaults. Classic me.
Trying to Make it Work
Next, I tried to actually use this thing. I looked for some kind of “start” button or an application icon, but there was nothing obvious. So, I went into the folders where it installed everything and started double-clicking on random files. Most of them did nothing, but one of them opened up a command prompt window.
- I typed some stuff in.
- I got some errors.
- I typed some different stuff in.
- I got different errors.
This went on for a while. I felt like a monkey hitting buttons on a spaceship.

Giving Up (For Now)
Eventually, I decided I was getting nowhere. I spent a good couple of hours on this, and all I had to show for it was a headache and a messy computer. I closed everything down and decided to call it a day.
Maybe I’ll try again later, after I’ve watched some tutorials or something. Or maybe I’ll just forget about it. We’ll see. My biggest takeaway is that I need way more information before I dive into something like this again.