Listen up, y’all gonna hear about this Aaron Boone and his young’uns. Folks keep jabberin’ ’bout him, so I figured I’d spill the beans, the way I see it.

Who’s This Aaron Boone Anyways?
Now, they tell me this Aaron Boone, he’s a big shot in baseball. Played it, manages it now for them New York Yankees. Born in ’73, so he ain’t exactly a spring chicken no more. Heard tell his daddy and grandpappy, Bob and Ray, they played ball too. Guess it runs in the family, like bad luck or good cookin’. This Aaron, he played for a whole mess of teams – them Cincinnati Reds, Yankees, Cleveland Indians, Florida Marlins, Washington Nationals, and Houston Astros. From ’97 to ’09, he was smackin’ balls and runnin’ bases. That’s what they tell me, anyways.
Aaron Boone’s Got Himself a Whole Passel of Kids
This here Aaron, he’s got himself a wife, a woman named Cover, and they got a whole bunch of kids. Four of ’em, to be exact. Two they made themselves, and two they took in, adopted ’em, they say. That’s a mighty big family, if you ask me. Kids are a blessin’, but they sure do eat a lot. I bet that house is hoppin’ and hollerin’ all the time.
Aaron Boone – Making Choices, Just Like the Rest of Us

Now, even though this Aaron is some big-time baseball fella, he’s still gotta make choices, just like you and me. I heard this story, see. One time, one of his pitchers, a fella named Cousins, got hisself in a pickle. Folks was sayin’ Boone shoulda brought in another pitcher, this Tim Hill fella. But Boone, he stuck with Cousins. Said if there’d been two outs, he mighta gone with Hill, but with only one out, he figured Cousins was the better bet. See, this Hill fella, he lets folks hit the ball, and that ain’t always good. Plus, there was this other fella, Ohtani, and he’s good at hittin’ the kind of pitches Hill throws. So Boone, he had to think it all through, just like when I gotta decide whether to put up beans or corn for the winter. It ain’t always easy, makin’ choices.
- Aaron Boone played for many baseball teams.
- He manages the New York Yankees now.
- He’s got a wife and four kids.
- Two of his kids are adopted.
- He has to make tough decisions, just like everybody else.
The Boone Family – More Than Just Baseball
They say this Boone family, they’re all tied up in baseball. But I reckon there’s more to ’em than that. Family’s family, whether you’re swingin’ a bat or milkin’ a cow. This Aaron, he’s got a wife and kids, and that’s what matters. He’s gotta raise them young’uns right, teach ’em right from wrong, just like any other daddy. And that’s a whole lot harder than hittin’ a baseball, I tell you what.
So, What’s the Big Deal About Aaron Boone’s Son?
Well, I ain’t heard nothin’ specific ’bout Aaron Boone’s son, not one in particular, seein’ as he’s got a few. But I reckon he’s just a regular kid, doin’ kid stuff. Maybe he plays ball, maybe he don’t. Maybe he likes readin’, maybe he likes gettin’ into mischief. Kids are kids, no matter who their daddy is. They gonna grow up, make their own way in the world. And that’s the way it should be. This Aaron Boone, he’s just one man, tryin’ to do his best, raise his family, and make a livin’. Same as the rest of us, really.

Aaron Boone – A Man with a Legacy
Folks talk about this Aaron Boone and his baseball legacy. They say his daddy and grandpappy played, and now he’s playin’ and managin’. That’s somethin’, I guess. But a real legacy, that’s more than just baseball. It’s about the kind of man you are, the way you treat folks, the love you give your family. And that’s somethin’ only time can tell. So, this Aaron Boone and his son, well, they got a whole lot of livin’ left to do. And that’s the most important thing, ain’t it?
Final Thoughts on Aaron Boone and His Family
So, there you have it. What I know about Aaron Boone and his family. It ain’t much, maybe, but it’s somethin’. He’s a baseball man, a family man, a man who makes choices. Just like the rest of us, tryin’ to make our way in this world. And that, I reckon, is all that really matters.